Route maps

Note: All of the services of the biggest cities and towns are not listed in the maps. You can find them by clicking the pink/white star and following the link to the website. From the maps you can also find the main attractions with Finnish, English and German descriptions. 
Blue line = main route
Green line = optional route

Northern section
Näätämö - Kuusamo (672,5 km)

See the north’s spectacular rugged fells with reindeer when you ride through Lapland. Learn to know the Sami culture and Finland’s beautiful clean nature without forgetting war history. 

Middle section
Kuusamo - Lieksa (409 km)

Cycle through vast ancient forests and tree-covered hills, where you are able to enjoy the peacefulness of the nature. Visit Finland’s most famous war history areas and learn about Kalevala as well as the life of the small villages. 

Southern section
Lieksa - Vaalimaa (601,5 km)

The closeness of the eastern border and watchtowers far in the horizon, as well as the war history attractions are a part of your trip in the south. Cycle through countryside, past glimmering lakes and get to know the local style of living both in small and bigger towns.